HardWodder On The Gram 11.03.17

“Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy, but it will make you great.” – George Bernard Shaw.

Doing The Hard Thing is easy to talk about, but much more difficult to be about.

But really, you only have 2 choices in this life.

1. You choose the hard things you do to make your life what you want it to be.


2. The hard things you do are chosen for you by others living out their dreams while you remain a cog in their wheel.

For me, it makes more sense to choose the hard thimgs I do… the discipline… the deadlines… the hours seeking mastery.

Because in the end, win or lose, I want to leave this life knowing I lived the life I wanted.

What about You? What do you want for yourself and those closest to You?

Gear up ★ https://hardwodder.com .
Wise up ★ https://dothehardthing.net .

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ https://hardwodder.com .
Wise up ★ https://dothehardthing.net .

Photo taken at: HardWodder HQ

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