HardWodder On The Gram 11.23.17

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The master of himself gives thanks for even the hard times. He understands that he is shaped by both the positive and the negative and is all he has become because of all his experiences.

This was a hard thing for me to learn.

That in every hardship, there is a #gift if you look for it.

The group in this photo is a classic example.

It was not easy to build @xfitnorthphoenix into the amazing culture and @HardWodder family It is today.

Many long days and nights from the word go were sacrifice by the partners in an effort to build the vision we held.

The path held many losses and many gains… and we are where we are today because of the sum total.

I am grateful for this community, and my partners in this enterprise… the best is yet to come.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ https://hardwodder.com .
Wise up ★ https://

Photo taken at: CrossFit North Phoenix

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