Gear For Athletes.

Cross Functional Fitness Apparel For
The Performance Lifestyle.

Definition Of Power

Powerful Athletes Do More Work
In Less Time… Period.

Defy Gravity: For Time.

Peak Performance Occurs First In Your Mind,
Then During Your WOD.

Classic Tees & Tanks

Quality Apparel Built For Athletes
Who Give Their All.

Elevate Your Fitness

Cross Functional Fitness Performance Demands
Mental And Physical Preparedness.

Do The Work.

There Is No Substitute And No One
Else Can Do It For You.

HardWodder On The Gram 12.07.17

#HardTruth .
“Picture me being scared of a nigga that breathe the same air as me.” – Notorious B.I.G.

It’s so easy to see other people as bigger or better than ourselves.

We look at the image, the stuff, the appearance and forget every one of us is the same type of animal roaming the earth.

We all breathe the same air.

Have the same experiences.

So why then, would I consider myself less than? Why would you? Why would I discount my abilities and experiences.

This is one of the most pervasive and detrimental ways of thinking you can have.

In the gym, in your profession, in your relationships you have a choice to make each day as to how you will show up.

Show up as an equal.

Equal does not mean “same”… there are people who are better than you. There always will be. And there are others not as good as you. There always will be.

We are not the same, yet we are equal.

We all have equal time each day, the ability to see ourselves any way we choose, the power to act on our circumstances, the means to impact someone close with a kind word.

You want great things… then act like the one who has the great things you want.

The formula is simple: Match and Model.

You want to be fit. Do what fit people do.

And yet, so many people are looking for someone else to fix them, the next diet pill, or a savior.

Good news! No one is coming to save you.

#BE the person who #DOes the work and you will #HAVE the things your work produces.

The question is: what work are you doing.

Do think your lot in life is fixed? Saying dumb shit like, “I’m big boned, so and so is smarter than me, that guy was born into money”… these are just justifications for playing small.

That serves no one.

And serving others and yourself, is how you advance.
Bring something to the table… nature is not kind to useless creatures.

What is one thing you can do now that will immediately separate you from the “sea of sameness” and move you toward greatness.

Hint: it starts with small things done consistently over time. Innocuous things like making your bed, putting the carts back in the corral at the store.

Don’t believe me? Do it and prove me wrong.

Remember: #fortesfortunajuvat

HardWodder On The Gram 12.06.17

The ★ HardWodder Seminar Series kicked off this past weekend with @ckcrossfitfsi leading the @xfitnorthphoenix athletes through a set of informative ideas on building and maintaining a strong healthy back.

If you missed it, be sure to like and follow the HardWodder social accounts to be notified of the next one.

Building exceptional humans is the target.

Topics will range through all the aspects of wellness to support that idea… so that means expect to hear from speakers on mental, physical, and spiritual enrichment.

Opportunity is knocking ★ If you or someone you know has value to offer the community in one of those areas, hit us up and let’s set something up.

We can help you get yourself out there and you can help others by participating in an activity to better your world.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

@maryfrances06 @xfitnorthphoenix

HardWodder On The Gram 12.05.17

“Give All You Have For All You Want.” – Jason Archer.

Sandbagging… it’s like the new professional sport in the developed world.

What is Sandbagging? It is faking weakness.

It’s a way of hiding your capabilities so that other people lower their expectations of you.

You then meet the lower expectations without working too hard to do it.

And, ultimately you get to win at a much easier game. It’s not really a win though, since you were capable of doing so much more.

It’s a lie.

And worst if all it works! People who believe you to be incapable will rush to your aid and encourage you.

Aside from the lie… it will never allow you to grow. Growth can only come when you extend beyond your norms.

When you push into uncharted ground.

When you learn the value of holding yourself and others not just responsible, but capable… your power increases.

Give All You Have For All You Want.

Live in that place for a while. Deal with the discomfort and uncertainty. Feel your growth and confidence expand.


Keep living a lie.

If you’ve read this far, I know you’re at least interested in exploring your potential.

Do it.

The world needs the best version of you now.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder On The Gram 12.04.17

#HardTruth .
“Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others … Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” – Katherine Mansfield.

Monday is here. The first full week of December is in full swing… are you?.
As the end of 2017 approaches I realize more and more how quickly this life passes, how short our time here is to make a contribution and create the life I want for myself and my family.


It’s fleeting.

Ever moving and limited.

So, I have to Do The Hard Thing and ACT on each thing I want to create daily if I am to capitalize on my time.

I have to act… or I will be acted upon.

Some of you reading this have been acted upon your entire lives… whether it was parents, friends, or people you looked to for advice.

You allowed them to shape your life rather than listening to your own voice.

You discounted your own words in favor of those of others.


The only words that matter are the ones that come from inside you. Your true self. The real you that you’ve suppressed all this time.

What the fuck do you want?. Take a step toward that thing today.

ACT… or you will forever be ACTED upon.

What will you use your power to act on today? It’s up to you to move you.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy.

It’s be. do. have… in that order. Who will you be today?


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder On The Gram 12.02.17

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anaïs Nin.

Yesterday was the start of a new month.

Today is the start of a new ongoing mission. An Expansion.

So we walk with courage through fear, and hold faith that the outcomes we want will be created.

We move toward what we want.

We move.

Today we start with 0 seminars done… and a target to reach millions as we do new events each month.

Today, we begin our monthly seminar series designed to provide value to the people in our community and beyond.

The focus is building exceptional humans.

Offering information and techniques that will help you grow physically, mentally, and spiritually… This is the mission at HardWodder.

Health and wellness is mastery of all 3 domains, not solely the physical.

It’s easy to see a fit body and assume that person has it all figured out… however, that is seldom the case.

The physical body allows us to interact with our surroundings, our mentality shapes how we interpret our experiences, and our spirituality governs how we see ourselves in the grand scheme.

Mastery of one, is mastery of none.

Today we start with the physical: @ckcrossfitfsi will be teaching and training at @xfitnorthphoenix at 11am on building a strong, pain free back.

You’ll get tips and methods that you can use and as coaches and trainers bring back to your squad.


Join the movement and help us build exceptional humans. All are welcome. Only the committed will participate.

This is your invitation.
Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.

Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder On The Gram 11.30.17

Get It ★ .

Know this: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

For those who know the piper must be paid… This one’s for you.

For those who know 2017 isn’t over… This one’s for you.

For those who give all they have for all they want… This one’s for you.

The only difference between you today and the you you want to be is the #WORK you’ve done to this point.

The reps matter… they separate the #interested from the #committed .

Pick a path. Walk it. The end.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

@maryfrances06 @elizabethchristine
@crossfitfsi @manicuredmeatheads

HardWodder On The Gram 11.30.17

Get It ★ .

Know this: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

For those who know the piper must be paid… This one’s for you.

For those who know 2017 isn’t over… This one’s for you.

For those who give all they have for all they want… This one’s for you.

The only difference between you today and the you you want to be is the #WORK you’ve done to this point.

The reps matter… they separate the #interested from the #committed .

Pick a path. Walk it. The end.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

@maryfrances06 @elizabethchristine
@crossfitfsi @manicuredmeatheads

HardWodder On The Gram 11.30.17

Get It ★ .

Know this: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison.

For those who know the piper must be paid… This one’s for you.

For those who know 2017 isn’t over… This one’s for you.

For those who give all they have for all they want… This one’s for you.

The only difference between you today and the you you want to be is the #WORK you’ve done to this point.

The reps matter… they separate the #interested from the #committed .

Pick a path. Walk it. The end.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

@maryfrances06 @elizabethchristine
@crossfitfsi @manicuredmeatheads

HardWodder On The Gram 11.28.17

“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.”
– Ann Landers.

Yes, that’s an Ann Landers quote. She was a badass knew what it meant to WORK.

Some of you fuckers out there are “Mailing It In” and forgetting the last bit of 2017.

Back in 1913 when the income tax was started (that’s right, income tax was not always a thing) it is rumored that Postmaster Herbert T. Slaquer was one of the first to be accused of not paying.

When confronted, he declared “the check is in the mail”… and his check was in fact in the mail. He had mailed it 3rd class and it arrived 7 months late.

He single handedly defined what it meant to be a slacker, to “mail it in”, to give little effort toward an outcome.

The phrase stuck.
And here we are going into December with people already talking about how little they will get done, how much they plan eat, and dreading how much debt they will acquire going into the new year.

News flash: you can do better.

You can eat well.

You can work hard.

You can budget your money wisely.

It’s a fucking choice. And best of all you can shine brightly among your peers and competitors just by doing the WORK they are unwilling to do.

Honor the WORK… and it will come back to you 10 fold over time if you are consistent. Period.

Your year is not over. Remember that and move past those who have already quit on 2017.

Remember: there is #norestfortheworthy

Be. Do. Have… In that order.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder On The Gram 11.25.17

#HardTruth .
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge.

What does it mean to be Persistent… The definition is as follows.

per·sist·ent pərˈsist(ə)nt/ adjective 1. continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. 2. continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.

It comes down to doing the daily work. Regardless of circumstance or difficulty, you move anyway.

Sounds simple.

And it is… yet, simple does not mean easy.

I’ve come face to face with this over the last few weeks with a move and remodel.

My schedule has been shot to hell, my workouts infrequent, my morning routine largely fucked.

This will pass as I remaster my life in a new environment.

I have to reminds myself to be grateful for the challenge and the lessons and to just take the next step.

All at once… it’s too much. So, I just take a step. Then another and another.

And in this way I #honorthework in front of me, and shape my present and future by acting in the now.

Soon, my routine will be back to 100% and all the difficulty will be a funny story told over drinks.

How about you.

What do you want? What steps are you taking today to attain it… even a small step toward your target is a step in the right direction.

The gym, the relationship, the life you want are just results of your daily action.

What will you use your power to act on today? It’s up to you to move you.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy.

It’s be. do. have… in that order. Who will you be today?


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder On The Gram 11.23.17

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The master of himself gives thanks for even the hard times. He understands that he is shaped by both the positive and the negative and is all he has become because of all his experiences.

This was a hard thing for me to learn.

That in every hardship, there is a #gift if you look for it.

The group in this photo is a classic example.

It was not easy to build @xfitnorthphoenix into the amazing culture and @HardWodder family It is today.

Many long days and nights from the word go were sacrifice by the partners in an effort to build the vision we held.

The path held many losses and many gains… and we are where we are today because of the sum total.

I am grateful for this community, and my partners in this enterprise… the best is yet to come.

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ https://

HardWodder On The Gram 11.20.17

“You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks.” – Winston Churchill.

It’s #MondayMindset time. Think 80/20.

It was Vilfredo Pareto who noticed the 80/20 effect in the world of wealth over 150 years ago… The basic idea is that in any population or activity there is a small percentage that gives a greater result than the larger percentage.

In the gym, in the workplace, and in relationships we can see this in action.

Some people just produce more. They have the mindset of a producer. Some activities produce greater returns: physical exercise, reading, and leveraging the talents of others for example all give you more than they require.

Focus there.
Getting sidetracked is too easy with all the distractions floating around… yet, what you carry into this day will set the tone for your week.

And, what you focus on will bear a result.

What are the activities that produce the biggest and best results in your life? What behaviours drive the most production? Center yourself there and let the rest burn on the sidelines.

Something is always burning… be ok with burning the low yield activities to the ground.

My question for you is this: What are the activities and people who are not serving you? Find them. Eliminate them.

Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

Remember: There is #norestfortheworthy

Choose to move. Choose growth. Choose daily.


Gear up ★ .
Wise up ★ .

HardWodder Team Info