Gear For Athletes.

Cross Functional Fitness Apparel For
The Performance Lifestyle.

Definition Of Power

Powerful Athletes Do More Work
In Less Time… Period.

Defy Gravity: For Time.

Peak Performance Occurs First In Your Mind,
Then During Your WOD.

Classic Tees & Tanks

Quality Apparel Built For Athletes
Who Give Their All.

Elevate Your Fitness

Cross Functional Fitness Performance Demands
Mental And Physical Preparedness.

Do The Work.

There Is No Substitute And No One
Else Can Do It For You.

HardWodder On The Gram 09.05.17

DTHT | Episode 3 – Entrepreneurs: Why Bother With It?. Today’s podcast goes out to all the entrepreneurs… Everyone putting their skin in the game, cash on the line, and choosing into the game of business and development. Those who take extraordinary risks to bring ideas and services to life that few have the audacity to pursue. This one is for all of you who Bother With It.

Most of the time, when you begin something new, something different or out of the ordinary for yourself… you’ll face all kinds of questions and challenges.

And many people are shocked to learn that the most ardent challengers tend to be those who are closest in terms of relationship or friendship.

We tend to think of those closest to us as the ones who are SUPPOSE TO always be supportive and have our backs when it comes to doing hard things, or making big changes in the way we act or show up in the world because that is the very definition of family and friends, right?. That is what we were taught growing up and what we expected as we got older and went off into the world for ourselves.

Yet, if you’ve put yourself in the position of seeking growth in your relationships, your business, or your being… You’ve no doubt been placed in the line of fire of many questions and comments from those in your existing circle who may not understand why it is you want to do what it is you are setting out to achieve.

And usually, the questions and comments come down to one singular idea: “WHY BOTHER WITH IT?”. Hear the newest episode at .

Or check it out on Castbox, iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher.

The #HardWodderRadio podcast is due out next!. Got a story to tell or interesting subject matter to share? Message me and let’s talk!


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HardWodder On The Gram 09.02.17

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson


Choose to move. Choose growth. It’s that simple.


And, no matter where you are… think, move, and connect today.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.29.17

#HardTruth . “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell.

I tear up as I write this.

I know my calling and purpose are getting clearer.

My path is becoming increasingly that of a prophet. That of a man who brings light to the path of others, by leading himself through the slings and arrows we each face, and sharing those experiences and lessons with those closest to me.

By being vulnerable… I grow stronger.

I become my own hero.

I do what is required to elevate myself. To LIFT myself up. And by doing this, I give others permission to do the same.

Someone is watching… what will you show them today.


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HardWodder On The Gram 08.28.17

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” – Hippocrates.

For 191 days now, this has been breakfast.

Just because you were fed shitty carbs for breakfast in the form of cereal and bread for your formative years, doesn’t mean you have to continue the pattern.

You are free to choose each day.

Choose the path that leads to your expansion and longevity.

Death comes for us all, so why help him out.


Learn more at .
Listen more at .

HardWodder On The Gram 08.26.17

You may have seen this one before. It’s so potentially life changing that it will be shared and reshared and shared again.

The weekend is here and for some of you that is a reason to eat poorly and vegetate in front of your favorite screen as a “reward”. Rather than reward yourself with behavior that takes you backward, keep your eyes sharply focused on the vision you have for yourself and ask yourself the following question. “Is what I am choosing to do right now helping me get what I want?” If the answer is no, consider that you may have not rewarded yourself at all… you may have just created an activity that will slow your progress.


Choose to move. Choose growth. It’s that simple.


And, no matter where you are… think, move, and connect today.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.25.17

#HardTruth “You know how you get in shape? You don’t worry about how many reps some other mother fucker is doing… you worry about how many reps you’re fucking doing!” – Andy Frisella.

With all the noise and lies seen all over social and other forms of media, how much do you allow it to run you, to determine your m.o. throughout the day.

How deep does your “comparison sickness” go… does it paralyze you when you see your competition doing something well or do you put your head down and focus on you.

Having the ability to focus on you is paramount in creating your results. No one else.

We live in a world where there is a constant desire to subsidize failure, where we are cushioned from our own results with pretty words and government programs.

The gym is one of the last purely results based places in your life. Don’t corrupt that purity by looking outward. Stay in your power. Stay centered in you and watch your results grow.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.24.17

Traveling can be tough on a routine, however it’s not an excuse to be stagnant and regress.

It’s an opportunity to change your scenery and expand in new surroundings.

Find a playground. Like this one during a beautiful sunset here in Calgary.

And play.

Because nobody gives a damn about your reasons.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.22.17

“Take care of your physique. It’s the one place it’s a must to reside.” – Jim Rohn.

You are a trinity of mind, body, and spirit.

Neglecting any one of these is dangerous, yet neglecting your physical body is heinous.

It is the temple you experience the world in… and without it, you are quite literally nothing.

There is a reason you turn your head when you see a person who cares for themselves… You may think you find them attractive… however, if you get quiet and think on it, you may find that there is a part of you that respects the tremendous commitment to excellent and hard work that you lack the drive to consistently maintain.

They do something you won’t. And that is reflected back every time you look at them.

Choose to move. Choose growth. It’s that simple.


And, no matter where you are… think, move, and connect today.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.21.17

New Episode Out Now.

When i finished recording the first episode… the zero episode, I had this thought run through my mind that was something along the lines of, “It’s all downhill from here!”… like all my issues with getting started and rolling on this project were over.

We’ll… and here’s your spoiler alert: They weren’t. Not even close.

My commitment, at least initially, is to create a new podcast and have it ready in advance each Monday for syndication… So I thought to myself, you know… I’ll have plenty of time to create content and plenty of time to come up with ideas that can truly be useful… And however true that was, it didn’t work out that way for me this week. This first crucial week. The week that would determine if I make or miss my target for consistency.

However… it wasn’t that easy. Listen in your favorite podcatcher for the whole story.

Because If this content doesn’t go out today, I start off with a fail by not meeting the very time frame I set up for myself.

Check it out on Castbox and all the majors.

The #HardWodderRadio podcast is due out next!. Got a story to tell or interesting subject matter to share? Message me and let’s talk!


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.19.17

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” – Yogi Berra.


Practice and theory are not equal in measure. Only one of those things requires you to do the work… to put yourself in motion.

To that end, give this a shot.

Work toward sitting in a deep squat, comfortably, for 10 minutes a day… see if it you can just hang out there.

It’ll open up your entire lower complex and give you confidence under load as well as help you regain lost mobility.

Test the theory by putting it in practice and let me know the impact after a month of consistency.

Take the #10MinuteSquat challenge. No excuses… start right now where you are.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.16.17

“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.” – Mason Cooley.

To get where you want to go, you have to rely on you first. If you can not move yourself, how in the hell is anyone else suppose to?. They can not. It is not their responsibility.

Accountability to others and motivation from others can be a useful tool, however it can also be an excuse and a crutch that puts your success squarely on the shoulders of others.

Move yourself toward what you want.


#HonorTheWork you put in, even in small ways, and you’ll start to develop some momentum.

That momentum will lead to drive. And that drive will give you your “escape velocity” from procrastination on your journey to your purpose.


And, no matter where you are… think, move, and connect today.


Learn more at:

HardWodder On The Gram 08.14.17

After investing the better part of 2 days into setting up hosting, configuring a cms, writing the first episode, recording the first episode, creating graphics, feeds, ID3 tags, setting up accounts with iTunes, Google, and Castbox… the piper has finally been paid.

Podcast is submitted to the majors for approval and is live on castbox.

Do The Hard Thing is about humans moving toward what they want in the physical, spiritual, and mental domains of life.

Episode zero describes my journey, and what I learned as I took this project on.

Check it out on Castbox.

The #HardWodderRadio podcast is due out next!. Got a story to tell or interesting subject matter to share? Message me and let’s talk!


Learn more at:

HardWodder Team Info